Art Card Tia Barrett - Wairau Maori Art Gallery



He Pounamu Ko Au by Tia Barrett (Waitaha, Ngati Mamoe, Ngai Tahu, Ngati Tamainupo, Ngati Maniapoto).

From the exhibition Te Moteatea a Maumahara (10th August - 24 November 2024).

The artwork illustrates the resilience and perseverance of mana wahine Maori. Her creative work unpacks the loss of the practice of moteatea in her family and the loss of Te Reo Maori within her whakapapa. "None of my whanau were flent when I was a child. None of my Maori grandparents spoke a word of Maori to me growing up. They were of a generation where it was beaten out of htem and then told the language wasn't needed. So it wasn't passed down to the next generation."

***COLOUR VARIATION - we try to ensure images match the actual product, however there may be slight variations due to device colour matching***